Location:Home > Home > About Shenda > The water diversion tunnel of Laos South Russia 4 hydropower station has been filled with water
The water diversion tunnel of Laos South Russia 4 hydropower station has been filled with water
Keywords: hydropower station, hydropower generation, clean energy

At 19:30 local time on June 10th, after 11 days of water filling, the water filling work of the diversion tunnel of China Heavy Machinery Laos Nam Ngum 4 hydropower station was successfully completed.

The total length of the diversion tunnel is 17.54km, and the total water filling capacity is 508719m?. The water filling process was completed in six stages, and pressure stabilization observations were conducted after each stage of water filling. Successful water filling is a multidimensional inspection of the safety performance, lining stress, and anti-seepage performance of the diversion tunnel, and lays a solid foundation for the subsequent water commissioning and power generation operation of the three units.

Before the water filling, the project department of Laos Nam Ngum 4 hydropower station developed a rigorous water filling plan and emergency response plan, carefully deployed the water filling work, and conducted comprehensive and detailed inspections of important parts such as civil engineering structures and metal structure installations. During the water filling period, the project department strictly inspected the dam, diversion tunnel construction support tunnel, factory area, and slopes along the tunnel in accordance with specifications and design requirements. After the tunnel was filled with water and stabilized, there was no deformation, collapse, or water seepage along the slope.

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